EDIsecure Colour Ribbons and Foils

Re-Transfer-printing goes like this: Heating impulses from the printhead peel pixle to pixle out of a colour ribbon which usually has got the zones Y(Yellow), M (Magenta), C (Cyan) and K (key; carbon-black). Then they are tranferred onto a re-transfer-film.

This process happens seperately for each colour zone: First all needed informations out of the yellow field are peeled and transferred, then cyan, then magenta and then black. At the end, the whole card design is on the re-transfer-film, mirror-inverted. The card waits in front of the heated lamination roll until the printed part of the re-transfer film is ready. The heat peels the printed laminate and prints it on the card with controlled pressure so that there is an inseparable connection of tr-transfer film and card. 

Available colour ribbons and foils for the EDIsecure XID re-transfer printer family:

  • 4 field colour ribbon YMCK for 1000 prints
  • 5 field colour ribbon YMCKK for 750 prints
  • 5 field colour ribbon YMCKPO (Peel-off) for 750 prints
  • EDIsecure XID re-transferfilm for 1000 prints
  • Lamination with personal hologram